How I Choose My Books Tag

There is basically no rhyme or reason to the way I choose books. Sometimes I take recommendations, sometimes I just spot a book in a store that looks interesting, sometimes I seek out a particular kind of book. So this tag should be fairly interesting! Thanks to The Orangutan Librarian for tagging me!

Find a book on your shelves or ereader with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?

8921The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
I was actually working at Borders Books when they went out of business, and I got this book during the liquidation sale. 40% off! I wanted to read Sherlock, and this was the first I’d ever seen that was a stand-alone.

Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place?


The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
Heaven help me, I’m a sucker for aliens, and even though the characters were RIDICULOUS I enjoyed this book enough that I’ve read it a couple of times. I guess I read it in the first place because aliens.

Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick a book at random. How did you discover this book? 

10374068._UY200_(I also cheated and used the Goodreads random feature. I know my bookshelf too well to draw a book at random!)

One Day by Dave Nichols.
I bought this book when I was working at Barnes & Noble. It was on a best-seller display or a buy-2-get-1 table or something. I was really disappointed, I just hated it. 😦

Pick a  book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?

51n8BHFovdL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The only person who usually recommends books to me is my dad. His books are hit and miss with me. One that I enjoyed (duh) was Ender’s Game. Soooooo happy my dad introduced me to such an amazing book! One that I didn’t like was Zoe’s Tale by John Scalzi.

Pick a book that you discovered through YouTube/book blogs. Did it live up to the hype?

51m9GpXJ1-L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_My husband and I watch the Vlogbrothers every week on YouTube. I knew John Green as a YouTuber before I knew him as an author. I picked up An Abundance of Katherines because it sounded like the book of his that I would like the most. I didn’t like it much at all. I love John, but I’ve only ever liked one of his books…

Find a book on your shelves or ereader with a one-word title. What drew you to this book?

51zW7PFPByL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Boneshaker by Cherie Priest.
My husband rented this book from our university library when we were discovering Steampunk. It’s one of the few books he’s actually finished since I met him ten years ago. I figured if it was good enough for him to finish a) I should BUY it for him and b) I should read it too!

What book did you discover through a film/TV adaptation?

Stardust_UnabridgedCD_1185501006I had NO IDEA that Stardust was a book. I am in love with the movie, so when I got on Twitter the first time and one of the people I met was obsessed with Neil Gaiman, I figured that was the best place to start! Surprisingly, it was one of the few movie adaptations I like better than the book. Maybe because I watched the movie first?

Think of your all-time favorite book(s). When did you read these and why did you pick them up in the first place?

The Lord of the Rings – I read The Hobbit in my sixth grade English class. LOTR followed in seventh grade, and I read it once a year until I had a baby.

Pride and Prejudice – Our family’s favorite movie growing up was You’ve Got Mail with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. In the movie Meg Ryan’s character writes “Confession, I have read Pride and Prejudice two hundred times. I get lost in the language, words like ‘Thither. Mischance. Felicity.’ I’m always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are really going to get together. Ah! Read it. I know you’ll love it!” So when I was a freshman or sophomore in High School we picked it up from the library to read together. My mom lost interest, but I flew through in a day or two.

Harry Potter – My fifth grade teacher read this book aloud to our class, bless her.

I tag:

Of course participation is optional! Look forward to seeing y’alls answers!

18 thoughts on “How I Choose My Books Tag

  1. This was so fun to read! It’s so interesting to see how people picks books! John Green’s books aren’t for me either, I liked The Fault in Our Stars but the others were mehh. John himself is so sweet though. Thank you so much for tagging me!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for tagging us! We can’t wait to to this soon! Dawlyn: I’m with you on John Green. I watch vlogbrothers too and I love both John and Hank! I haven’t read An Abundance of Katherines but I don’t plan too. I read Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns and other than the writing, I didn’t enjoy them. I did love The Fault in Our Stars though. Which book did you like?

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  3. hehe I wouldn’t say I’m a sucker for aliens, but I did really enjoy the Host!! I didn’t bother to read One Day, cos I was really disappointed with the movie :/ Ender’s Game is awesome!! And I was the same about Stardust- I also read it after the movie and preferred the movie still- but I think it’s just better in the movie form (and I say that as someone that loves Gaiman- funnily enough the person that introduced me to Gaiman said not to read that first, cos it’s not his strongest book- even if the ideas are amazing). And this post kinda reminded me that I need to watch You’ve got mail at some point… Loved your answers!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post! It seems like John Green’s books are always a hit or miss. People criticize that his characters in his books are always the same and that they act too smart to be actual teenagers. I think his books do better connecting with teenagers. Who knows, maybe his new book that comes out this year will be different for you if you choose to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely think the problem is that I don’t like his characters, but not because they act too smart to be teenagers. If anything it might be because they are too realistic as teenagers. Let’s be honest, teenage boys aren’t the most lovable group of people. I’m trying to decide whether to buy Turtles All the Way Down, actually. On the one hand, I might not like it. On the other hand, it would be nice to have John’s signature!


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