Mystery Blogger Award


I’ve been nominated for this award two or three times. The first time was a million years ago (I THINK by Vrinda at A Bookish Human?). I didn’t do the award because I was a bit confused. I don’t actually review very many mysteries here. So I didn’t feel like receiving a mystery blogger award was something I aught to be bragging about. Also, I was so new here that I didn’t really know who to nominate. More recently Dawlyn and Krista at Little Blind Book Finds nominated me, and I don’t think after reading their post that you necessarily have to post mystery reviews. I’m still a LITTLE confused, but I’m going for it anyway.

According to Dawlyn and Krista, the Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma (hence the MYSTERY blogger award) (OH! I GET IT NOW!!!) at Okoto Enigma’s Blog. I’m going to trust their research on this.

“This is an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blogs not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.

-Okoto Enigma.”



  • Put the logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and link their blog.
  • Tell your reader 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best post(s)

About Me

  1. I am a mommy. I have one son, Matthew, who is two and a half. Baby number two is on the way, expected in late February or early March 2018. Being a mommy is completely exhausting, but I wouldn’t go back to the way things were before for a trillion dollars.
  2. I am a teacher. Fourth grade math and science. Being a teacher is even more exhausting than being a parent. Also, it’s hard to have your job satisfaction be dependent on how hard 10 year olds are willing to work. But when I can take a step back from ALL the bad things that happen and focus on the good things, teaching is so rewarding.
  3. I have a really weird sense of humor. A lot of times people don’t understand when I’m joking, especially on the internet. So if I come across a little strange, that’s why.

Krista and Dawlish’s Questions

1. What is your favorite movie genre?
I don’t know! I like lots of different kinds of movies! Currently the only movies I will get myself to a movie theater to see are super hero movies. And Star Wars, obviously. But I also love musicals and romantic comedies.

2. What is your favorite thing about being a blogger?
I started my blog because I wanted to have the opportunity to talk to people about books, and I feel like I’ve really gotten to do that. I love when people comment and we get into a discussion. I love commenting on other people’s blogs and starting a conversation.

3. What is your favorite non-book related thing to do?
Spending time with my family is a major priority to me! We go for walks together a couple of times a week. I love taking my son to the park or the zoo. (Please, PLEASE, can the weather cool off so this will be more fun soon???) We like to watch college football together. Going out to eat as a family is also a treat. Anything we can all do together.

4. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Um… I don’t really care about celebrities. I guess Bill Gates because the Gates Foundation is literally saving the world.

5. What book got you into reading?
My parents have a cassette tape recording of me reading Are You My Mother when I was four years old and couldn’t even read yet, so that? I’ve always loved reading!

My Questions

  1. If you could have any super hero be your personal body guard, who would you choose and why?
  2. Movies or TV?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. If you didn’t have to work for money, what would you spend your life doing?
  5. What keeps you blogging?


It’s probably not going to be 10. I hate nominating people. Can I just nominate everyone? I always feel like I’ll miss someone and make them feel bad, or nominate someone whose already done this award a kajillion times, or piss Melanie off by nominating her AGAIN, or generally do something wrong.

So, I’ll nominate however many people I dang well please. Get over it.

Everyone have a lovely week! Love you all!

14 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Dawlyn: Now I cant remember if I said this in your original announcement post or if I got distracted but: CONGRATS ON BABY NUMBER TWO THAT’S SO
    EXCITING!! Matthew is adorable! i’m with you on the teaching stuff! I haven’t taught in my own classroom yet, and when I graduate with my masters I probably won’t end up in a traditional classroom setting. I student taught in a kindergarten classroom, which I absolutely LOVED, and while doing my master’s I’ve been teaching classes at an afterschool program A LOT of work but definitely rewarding!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! He is pretty cute. I bet baby two will be equally adorable. 😀

      Yeah, teaching is SO MUCH WORK. I can’t imagine doing Kinder, I would absolutely lose my mind. I don’t have the energy to be in the room with 5 year olds all day. 3rd grade is the lowest I’ll go.

      Liked by 1 person

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