FINALLY a Librarian!


So I mentioned about a month ago that back in September I was offered my dream job as a librarian at my elementary school. However, as a teacher I am under contract, and was waiting for my school district to hire someone to replace me (IF they could find someone…). Well! This past week they finally released me from my contract.


Thursday is my last day! Then on Friday I get to have a get-to-know-you day at my new school. My official first day won’t be until after Christmas, but I get to go to a sing-along and a club day and meet the kids and the teachers.


I’m also so nervous. I got this job mainly on passion, but I’ve never actually worked in a library, and the library and information science degree gives you shockingly little preparation for practical things like, you know, software. Thankfully there are a ton of other librarians in the district, and I think one of them might show me around on the first day and help with with POs and things like that. But still. NERVOUS.

Especially nervous because we are moving. Again. Every time we’ve moved I’ve always said this would be the last time, and then new career moves don’t work out. This is going to be a HUGE move for us because my son starts kindergarten next year. I want this to be my forever job, and I hope it works out that way. We’ve been in this house the longest of anywhere since we’ve been married, but it’s still only been three years.

In the meanwhile, I have a 90-120 minute commute. Suggestions on how to listen to audio-books without having to pay for audible would be appreciated. I don’t know how Hoopla works, but my library has that so I’ll probably at least try it. Also, I am suuuuuuuper skeptical about audiobooks, so taking suggestions for good ones. I think I’ll like non-fiction better than fiction, though Daisy Jones and the Six is definitely at the top of my list.

So. Continued prayers and goodwishes are appreciated! That we can find a house, sell this house, and survive 3-4 hours of driving a day while still taking classes.

This is finally happening!!!!!!!!!

34 thoughts on “FINALLY a Librarian!

  1. I’m so happy for you!!!
    As for audiobooks, my roommate goes through the library. I love listening to biographies and crime books while I drive because they are longer and if I don’t pay attention for part of it I’m not missing huge plot points.

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  2. Congrats on the new job, that sounds exciting!
    I haven’t checked it out myself yet (I don’t listen to audiobooks often) but I’ve recently learned that Spotify carries some books on audio! You’d probably get commercials if you’re not subscribed, but I’m not sure. Might be worth looking into!

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  3. Congrats! As far as audiobooks are concerned, check with your library to see if they are part of overdrive /Libby / LIVEbrary. I used those the most when borrowing ebooks and eaudio from the library. I can even walk you through how to use it if need be.

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  4. Good luck, Katie!! I’m so pleased for you that you got this job. I’m sure that since it’s a passion project role, then you will be amazing!! Also, good luck with the house move. I understand how stressful that is!!

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  5. Yay congrats on getting your dream job!! That’s amazing!! I’m a bit of a novice with audiobooks, but I can definitely recommend the audiobook version of Daisy jones. Also, really loved Sadie (though fair warning, it’ll make you cry) and diviners was also fun if you haven’t read it 😀 Good luck with your move! ❤

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    1. I’m about halfway through Daisy Jones, and it is *definitely* better in audio form. Loving it! I think I’ve heard Sadie recommended this way before too, so thanks for reminding me. I’ll add it and The Diviners to the list of things to try. 🙂

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