90s Movie Tag

I saw this tag oh so many months ago on The Bibliphagist, and I just looooooove 90s movies so much that I bookmarked it for a rainy day. And since I’m feeling like a tag this evening, here we go!

She’s All That


An odd pairing, but they still fit perfectly

26042767I mean, like, every couple in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet! It’s kind of the point of the book, that it explores how relationships might become more complex if we discover more life out there, and how that will re-define what we think of as a weird relationship. Like, how do inter-species couplings work? What about how different planets have different ways of thinking about family and relationships? Can you have a relationship with a computer? It’s all so BRILLIANT, but it’s also touching and relatable, and GAH! Read it!

10 Things I Hate About You

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A book/series that you have a love/hate relationship with

41K99+cInvL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_My love/hate relationship with Twilight is so profound! Because, like, they are literally the worst, and i just hate hate hate them so much! And Bella is dumb, and all of her relationships are unhealthy (if not abusive), and so many adults have only read this book (or worse, it’s erotica spin-off) in this decade, and it’s just SO BAD. But then, why have I read it three times? And why do I kind of want to read it again?


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A character that is totally clueless, but you love them anyway

28187Maybe it’s just me, but I find it completely endearing how clueless Percy Jackson is. His inability to tell words apart is totally charming when it should probably be obnoxious, and he’s pretty much all-around oblivious. But I find it so adorable.


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A book that made you cry

21853621This year I ugly cried during The Nightingale, and not in a good way. There was one scene in particular involving a child death that I just could not handle. We were in the car, and my three-year-old actually started getting upset because he thought something was wrong with his mommy.

American Pie

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A book that makes you laugh

13526165My go-to book rec for something that will literally make you laugh out loud is Where’d You Go Bernadette. Hands down the funniest book I have ever read. Even more remarkable is all the different ways it’s funny. It’s got physical comedy, satire, dark humor, really a little bit of everything. Highly recommend!

Can’t Hardly Wait

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A book with a crazy party

f043712f-4655-4c8a-b60f-fca1e4c6ca9fThe Hate U Give opens with a party scene. As a person who has never attended a crazy party, the fact that there was alcohol there makes it crazier than anything I’ve ever seen! Then, of course, gun shots go off, so it’s crazy in a different way too.

Cruel Intentions

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A character that you can never fully trust

35031085So after re-reading Frankenstein this Halloween, I’m not sure what to think about the monster. How much of what he said was true, and how much wasn’t? He claims to be in control of his actions, that if Frankenstein just gives him a wife that he’ll leave forever and just do his thing, but he’s clearly manipulative and sociopathic, so maybe he’s just lying! Which makes the whole book questionable, because he’s the narrator for a good chunk of it. At the end, I never could decide whether the monster is evil or not.

Drive Me Crazy

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Your favorite “Boy Next Door” or “Girl Next Door” Couple


I had to look through every book I ever read, because I didn’t think I’d ever read any with this trope in it. When, lo and behold, Little Women! Laurie! Can’t say much more, because spoilers, but Laurie grows up friends with the March sisters and ends up falling in love. Classic.


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A book with a  memorable villain

22544764Oh goodness, The Wood in Uprooted! So creepy!!!! But then, later, so sad. I loved how complicated The Wood as a “bad guy” was, and it was Grimm-style gruesome as well. If you’re in to fairy tales you HAVE to give Uprooted a try!

The Craft

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A book with witches

51HSkTKlauL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_A discussed in Calendar Girls October, I  have apparently not read enough books with witches! Since I’ve managed to get through this entire tag without bringing it up, OR lamenting that I can’t/shouldn’t use it a second time, I’m going to reward myself with the obvious answer on this one. I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!

I am tagging no one, because I wasn’t tagged. But if you love 90s movies, GO!


4 thoughts on “90s Movie Tag

  1. This was such a fun idea for an article!

    Can’t Hardly Wait was literally my all time favorite movie of the 90s! So many amazing actors were in it.

    I really hope to read Where’d You Go Bernadette within this upcoming new year before the movie adaptation comes out.

    I love musicals and Clueless has actually been made into a musical and it’s playing in New York right now. It’s at a really small theater right now, so hopefully if it transfers to Broadway I can see it then.

    I heard about Percy Jackson, but only because it’s a musical (Theater Dork, LoL), I didn’t realize it was a book beforehand also.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I believe the Clueless musical is playing right now for a just a few months.

        Aw, man. I loved the Legally Blonde musical! I love that score.

        Well if you ever need any recommendations for shows, always feel free to ask =).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. hahahaha I related so much to your love-hate relationship with twilight- cos I reread that a number of times (until I gave it away so I could resist the temptation and read things I actually want to, instead of something I *know* will wind me up). I think it’s cos they’re kind of compulsively written- I just got really hooked on them. Also maybe the fact that they’re so bad they’re good in a way? I dunno, still trying to justify it. Oh yeah Percy is totally clueless. frankenstein’s monster is a great answer! Oh Laurie is a wonderful pick!! Love your answers and had so much fun with all the 90s references!

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